Welcome to Local Exchange Trading
in the London Borough of Wandsworth

This scheme is a local branch of LETSlink London, which co-ordinates Local Exchange Trading schemes in each borough.
Local meetings are arranged on a regular basis. Please supply your full contact details and we will contact you as soon as possible.

My Name:
Organisation/ Centre/ Project (if any):
Street Address:
Neighbourhood or local tube/railway station:
Town/borough: County/city:
Postcode: Country:
Primary phone: Secondary phone:
Website (if any):

Gender: Male/Female/Other:
Date (or year) of birth _/_/___: (NB the exact data will not be displayed)

Most importantly, your EMAIL ADDRESS:

By submitting this form I am making a request to join London-wide LETS, which is run under the auspices of LETSlink London.
I do not object to my membership and account details being held on a database, and I consent to these details (except for my street address) being made available online to other members. I understand that once I have access to my online account, I will be able to post my Offers and Wants and carry out transactions via the web-based system.
I have read and accept the Members Agreement - which may be amended at a General Meeting of LETSlink London.
I understand that on the current rates, 24 links will be deducted annually to cover the administrative expenses of running the scheme, but that I can off-set this by contributing what I can afford in sterling.
I am willing to help with the running of the scheme by doing administrative work, supporting enrolment and/or management of accounts for members near me who are not online, and helping to organise local events - please put details in message box.

I was referred to London-wide LETS by:

Please write in this box details of your own circumstances or information about your organisation, centre or project, previous experience with LETS and similar schemes, whether you will need help, or can give help to others in accessing the internet, and key Offers in relation to helping run the scheme.

• I would like to make a sterling contribution to LETSlink London by cash at a meeting by cheque to "LETSlink London"

Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After you have submitted the form, you can go back on the browser, and print it out to accompany your cheque -
You can hand in your application at the introductory meeting/social or post it to the office:

LETSlink London, 12 Southcote Road, Tufnell Park, London N19 5BJ.