a LETS Scheme
Who to contact: if you are thinking
of starting a scheme, first of all find out if there is a group
near you which you could join - see the page - Schemes in London.
This especially applies to organisations who are supporting marginalised
groups of people. Your first idea might be to set up a scheme for
people to trade within their own segregated group but you will do
your clients or friends more of a favour if you introduce them to
the possibility of linking with other people in their neighbourhood,
and save them the considerable trouble of running their own scheme.
If you do decide to join a local scheme, you can do this as an
organisation, because you may well have resources you can offer
to the scheme, or to other members of the scheme, and you can also
encourage individuals in your group to join in their own right.
What to do: If you are determined to start your
own scheme, contact LETSlink London and LETSlink UK. Both provide
information and contacts, and you can subscribe to both. Detailed
instructions are published by Letslink UK in its Info-pack, which
is also currently stocked by Letslink London.. Letslink London will
put on day-seminars and ongoing support groups for new organisers,
on demand, given sufficient notice. As we are currently unfunded,
if you are funded please be prepared to pay us for our time, if
you are unfunded, please be prepared to take on a commitment in
our own currency, links.